TEDxHongikU, 2020 ; Layer

One of my Curation projects at Hongik Univ. from February 2020 to January 2021, spread on 14 November 2020.
Check out at Behance !

🚩Archive | www.behance.net/gallery/112058145/LAYER‑TEDx‑HongikU‑2020

🚩Photographs | www.flickr.com/photos/tedxhongiku/albums


The Future Revolution of the 21st Century and How to Find Me | Hyun Gon Kim

Speaker 'Kim Hyun Gon' is a president of the National Assembly Research Institute for the Future.
For the past 30 years, he has studied IT and future society by serving as the head of the Big Data Center of the Korea Information Service.
He presents an era in which everyone predicts and discusses the future and a preparatory strategy.
    He will give a talk with a title 'The Future Revolution of the 21st Century and How to Find Me'.

How we look at negative emotions | Jong Bum Moon

Speaker 'Moon Jong bum' is a famous kakaotalk emoji designer.
The character "Ogu," which he drew using his college graduation work, has now become an emoticon of emotional expression that is lively for many people.
Through this, he is encouraging the challenge of creating new emoticons while informing them of his new job as an emoticon writer.
    He will give a talk with a title 'How we look at negative emotions'.

The Art of Everyday Life | Seung Hee Lee

Speaker 'Lee seung hee' is a marketer as well as author. She is the author of a book called 'The Use of Records.'
Through 'The Use of Records', she emphasize the importance of the habit of recording,
conveying the philosophy that my record becomes an inspiration for the future and that it becomes a tool for growing oneself.
She will give a talk with a title 'The Art of Everyday Life'. 

Robot, go beyond the limit | Jong Won Park

    Speaker 'Park Jong won' is a robotics engineer who works at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Robotics Laboratory.
He is contributing to the establishment of a safe society centered on people and the environment
by developing robots and unmanned response systems that can actually be deployed in the event of a nuclear accident.
He strives to contribute to improving the quality of life by expanding the scope of new robot technologies.
    He will give a talk with a title 'Robot, go beyond the limit'.

A small attempt, a small failure, a small success | Dong Hun Lee

Speaker 'Lee dong hun' serviced the web called Corona map. In early 2020, he developed the Corona Map, which became a hot topic.
He is a student of Kyung Hee University's Department of Industrial Engineering and CTO of "modoc." an artificial intelligence-based hair loss self-diagnosis service startup.
Corona Map is a service that played a major role in maintaining quarantine by making it easier to see the movements of confirmed people,
which were only delivered in existing text, on the map. He will give a talk with a title 'A small attempt, a small failure, a small success'.