Moon Station | Young Architects Competitions
Since mankind took its first step on the moon, it has been viewed as a land to pioneer and settle in the universe, which was considered an unknown area. MOON STATION presents a model of primitive society settling in space as an outpost for future space exploration.
The base expands to the cave and the ground as starting at the cave and the pit’s contact point. The hall where people exchange and rest is center. People expand their lives by facilities that produce and storage expand to the inside of caves and laboratories and habitate protected by outer skin along the slope in pits expand to the ground. The Rover Hub, connected through the structure and airlock, is a platform that allows access to roads lined with the outer shell of the building, opening the possibility that the base can accommodate more people and resources.
The module serves as a wall that divides space within the outer shell or is installed outside like a container. It also provides several types of space through dismantling and combining, and prepares for the uncertain and changing environment of the universe.
certificate of FINALIST
Young Architects Competitions
took part to Moon Station call for ideas 2023
Young Architects Competitions
took part to Moon Station call for ideas 2023
Project Leader |이예승
Project Team | 임주혜 김제인 김서진
2023 SS
Project Team | 임주혜 김제인 김서진
2023 SS